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10 FAQs People Have About Dental Adult Braces

Adult braces for healthy, straight teeth!

Dr. Shauna Palmer, Dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry, West-Kelowna:

“Adult dental braces are becoming more common as people are seeking to improve their dental health and appearance. It is well-known that the technology and materials used in dental braces have advanced significantly, making them more comfortable and less noticeable than in the past. Many adults who may have been hesitant to get braces due to their perceived appearance and discomfort are now more willing to consider them.

There is a 
growing awareness of the importance of dental health and the benefits of having straight teeth. Many adults understand that having straight teeth can improve not only their appearance but also their overall oral health. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

Today, many adults are choosing to invest in themselves and their self-confidence. Having straight teeth can improve a person’s self-esteem and make them feel more confident in both personal and professional settings.

In addition, orthodontics can solve dental problems that can only be corrected with braces, such as malocclusion or bite issues. As people age, these issues can become more pronounced and lead to other dental health problems. Adult braces can correct these issues and prevent more severe dental problems in the future.

As always, people have many questions before they consider orthodontic treatment. Here are … “

Some of the biggest questions people have about adult braces:

  1. What are the different types of braces available for adults, and which one is right for me?
  2. How long will I need to wear braces?
  3. Will wearing braces affect my daily activities, such as eating and speaking?
  4. How often will I need to see my orthodontic provider during the treatment process?
  5. What are the potential risks and side effects of wearing braces?
  6. How much will braces cost, and will my insurance cover any of the expenses?
  7. Can I still participate in sports while wearing braces?
  8. Will wearing braces impact my professional or social life?
  9. What can I do to care for my teeth and braces properly?
  10. Will my teeth shift back after the braces are removed, and how can I prevent this from happening?

Dr. Shauna Palmer, Dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry, West-Kelowna:

“Before answering the 10 questions above, it’s good to know that when it comes to dental adult braces, our motto is: We don’t just straighten your teeth. We have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of your jaw, teeth, facial and cranial structures before any braces are created.

At Health & Beauty Dentistry, we provide Physiologic Orthodontics Therapy. This methodology ensures that once your teeth have been straightened, you don’t experience new problems with bite and jaw alignment. It’s part of our holistic vision.”

What exactly does Physiologic Orthodontics Therapy mean?

Through computerized tomography imaging and the use of other diagnostic technologies, Dr. Palmer can assess the shape, position, and health of your cranial, facial and jaw structures.

Problems to look for are things such as an underdeveloped upper jaw, an underdeveloped bottom jaw, or a bottom jaw that is overgrown (underbites and overbites), jaws that are too narrow, or jaw joints that are compressed or damaged.

Physiologically based orthodontic therapy enables Dr. Palmer to alter the top jaw to the proper size and then she can get the bottom jaw into a relaxed physiologic bite position.

Dr. Shauna Palmer, Dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry, West-Kelowna:
“Regardless, people have many questions about adult braces. Below, we’ll answer those questions the best we can.”


1. What are the different types of braces available for adults, and which one is right for me?

There are several types of braces available for adults, each with its own benefits and/or drawbacks. The right type of braces for you will depend on your specific dental needs, treatment goals, and personal preferences. Here are some of the most common types of braces:

  • Traditional metal braces: These are the most common type of braces, consisting of metal brackets and wires that are glued to the teeth. They are the most affordable option and are effective for treating a wide range of dental issues.
  • Ceramic braces: Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces, but the brackets are made of tooth-coloured or clear materials, making them less noticeable. They are a good option for those who want a less noticeable option but require more significant correction than aligner trays can provide.
  • Self-ligating braces: Self-ligating braces are similar to traditional braces, but they use a specialized clip instead of elastic bands to hold the wire in place. They are more comfortable than traditional braces and require fewer adjustments.
  • Clear aligner trays: Clear aligner trays, are a series of clear plastic trays that gradually shift the teeth into alignment. They are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning. NOTE: Clear aligner trays cannot be used in cases of physiologic orthodontics where jaw alignment is crucial.  Clear Aligners are more for mild cosmetic corrections.

It’s important to know that only a personalized consult can determine the best type of braces for your individual needs. It all depends on the severity of your dental issues, treatment goals, and personal preferences to recommend the best option for you.

2. How long will I need to wear braces?

The length of time you will need to wear dental braces depends on several factors, including the level of your dental issues, the type of braces you choose, and your adherence to your dentist’s or orthodontist’s instructions. Failure to do so can prolong the treatment time and impact the final results. On average, most people wear braces for 18 to 36 months. 

3. Will wearing braces affect my daily activities, such as eating and speaking?

The extent of the impact on eating and speaking will depend on the type of braces you have and how well you adjust to them.

With all dental braces, there may be some discomfort or soreness in the first few days after they are placed. It may take a few days or weeks to adjust to eating with them, but most people can eat normally after the initial adjustment period. However, it is recommended that you avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods that could damage your braces. Speaking may also take some getting used to, as the metal brackets and wires can affect how the tongue and lips move. However, most people adjust to speaking with braces within a few days.

4. How often will I need to see my dentist/orthodontist during the treatment process?

The frequency of orthodontic appointments during the treatment process will depend on the type of braces you have and the severity of your dental issues. On average, most people will need to see their dentist/orthodontist every four to eight weeks.

During these appointments, your dentist/orthodontist will check the progress of your treatment, adjust your braces, and monitor your oral health.

It’s important to attend all scheduled appointments to ensure that your treatment stays on track and to identify any issues that may arise. Missing appointments can prolong your treatment time and impact the final results.

5. What are the potential risks and side effects of wearing braces?

Wearing braces could have some potential risks and side effects, although most are minor and easily managed. Some of the potential risks and side effects of wearing braces include:

  1. Discomfort or soreness: When the braces are first placed, or after adjustments, you may experience some discomfort or soreness in the teeth or soft tissues. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage this.
  2. Damage to braces: Hard or sticky foods can damage the braces or wires, and in some rare cases, the teeth themselves.
  3. Allergic reactions: Some people may have an allergic reaction to the metal in your braces. In these cases, ceramic or plastic brackets may be a better option.
  4. Cavities or gum issues:  If the patient isn’t diligent with their personal care and cleaning of teeth, these problems can occur.

In general,the risks and side effects of wearing braces are minor and can be easily managed with proper care and attention.

6. How much will braces cost, and will my insurance cover any of the expenses?

The cost of braces can vary widely depending on the type of braces you choose, the severity of your individual dental issues, and your location. Therefore, providing ‘average’ pricing is impossible.

Many dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of adult braces. Adult orthodontic coverage varies widely among insurance plans, so it’s important to check with your insurance provider to determine what if any, coverage is available.

In addition to insurance, there are also options to finance your braces. There are several third-party financing companies that specialize in financing medical expenses, including orthodontic treatment.

Ultimately, the cost of braces is an investment in your dental health and overall well-being. It’s important to consider the potential long-term benefits when making the decision to pursue orthodontic treatment.

7. Can I still participate in sports while wearing braces?

Yes, you can still participate in sports while wearing braces, but it’s important to take precautions to protect your braces and teeth from damage.

If you participate in contact sports, such as football or hockey, it’s essential to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and braces from impact. Your dentist/orthodontist can provide you with a custom-fitted mouthguard that will fit over your braces and provide the best protection. It’s important to wear the mouthguard during practices and games to prevent damage to your teeth and braces.

For non-contact sports, such as swimming or track and field, you can continue to participate while wearing braces. However, it’s still important to be mindful of the potential impact on your braces and to avoid any activities that could damage them, such as biting down on hard objects or using your teeth to open packages.

8. Will wearing braces impact my professional or social life?

While wearing braces may have some impact on your professional or social life, the long-term benefits oforthodontic treatment typically outweigh any temporary discomfort or inconvenience. In the end, a healthy, confident smile is an investment in your overall well-being and self-esteem

Adult braces are becoming more common among adults, and many workplaces are accepting of orthodontic treatment. If you have concerns about your braces impacting your professional life, talk to your employer or colleagues to alleviate any concerns they may have.

9. What can I do to care for my teeth and braces properly?

Caring for your teeth and braces properly is essential to ensuring the success of your orthodontic treatment and maintaining good oral health. Here are some tips to help you care for your teeth and braces properly:

1.     Brush regularly

2.     Floss and/or water floss daily

3.     Avoid hard and sticky foods

4.     Use orthodontic wax

5.     Attend regular dentist/orthodontic appointments

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your braces are effective, and that your teeth remain healthy and strong.

10. Will my teeth shift back after the braces are removed, and how can I prevent this from happening?

With traditional methodologies, after your braces are removed, your teeth could shift back to their original position. This is because the bone and ligaments surrounding your teeth need time to adjust to their new position, and they may try to move the teeth back to their original position.

This is where Dr. Palmer’s Physiologic Orthodontics comes in again. Her methodology ensures that once your teeth have been straightened, you don’t experience new problems with bite and jaw alignmentA custom-made retainer is made which prevents teeth shifting, keeps the jaw in a relaxed position and helps open the airway.

West Kelowna Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer has been practicing a physiologic approach to dentistry since 2000 and is still involved in ongoing training in balancing the teeth, jaw muscles, jaw joints, facial structure, and body posture & aesthetics or cosmetics in all dental treatments, and especially when creating dental braces for her patients.

Are you interested in a truly effective, holistic and healthy process to straighten your teeth?
Make an appointment today!

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Goodbye Mercury Fillings: Why It’s Time to Make a Healthy Change for Your Smile and Body

Dr. Shauna Palmer, holistic dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna:

For decades, dental amalgam, a mixture of metals including mercury, silver, tin, and copper, has been a popular material used for dental fillings. The material’s durability and affordability made it an attractive choice for dentists and patients alike. However, with growing concerns over the potential health risks associated with mercury exposure and the development of safer alternatives, many people are now opting to replace their mercury dental fillings. In this blog post, we will explore the various reasons why it is a good decision to get rid of your mercury dental fillings and embrace a healthier smile.”


1. Mercury Exposure and Health Risks

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that, when ingested or inhaled, can cause severe health problems. Dental amalgam fillings contain approximately 50% mercury, which can release small amounts of vapor over time. While the American Dental Association (ADA) and other organizations maintain that the levels of mercury exposure from amalgam fillings are safe, others argue that even low levels of exposure can be harmful.

Several studies have linked mercury exposure to a range of neurological, immunological, and reproductive issues. Some common symptoms of mercury poisoning include tremors, memory loss, insomnia, and mood swings. Certain individuals, such as pregnant women, children, and people with pre-existing health conditions, may be more susceptible to the negative effects of mercury exposure.

2. Safer Alternatives to Mercury Fillings

Today, there are several safe and effective alternatives to mercury dental fillings. Composite resin fillings, made from a blend of plastic and glass, are a popular choice due to their natural appearance and strong bond with the tooth structure. Ceramic fillings, typically made from porcelain, are another option that offers both durability and aesthetics. These materials do not contain any toxic elements and pose no health risks to patients.

In addition to being safer, these alternative filling materials are more aesthetically pleasing. Unlike the noticeable silver color of dental amalgam, composite resin and ceramic fillings can be closely matched to the color of your natural teeth, creating a seamless and discreet appearance.

3. Environmental Concerns

By choosing to replace your mercury dental fillings, you are also contributing to a healthier environment. Mercury is a significant environmental pollutant that can contaminate air, water, and soil. Dental amalgam waste has been identified as a significant source of mercury pollution in waterways, leading to the bioaccumulation of mercury in fish and other aquatic organisms.

Many countries have already taken steps to reduce the use of mercury in dental practices. In 2013, the Minamata Convention on Mercury was established as a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. One of its primary objectives is to phase down the use of dental amalgam in favor of safer alternatives.

4. Improved Dental Techniques

Over the years, dental techniques have improved significantly, making the process of replacing mercury fillings safer and more comfortable for patients. Advanced tools and technologies, such as digital imaging and precision instruments, enable dentists to remove old amalgam fillings with minimal discomfort and potential complications.

The use of rubber dams, specialized suction devices, protective barriers and oxygen supply for the patient during the removal process can also help to minimize mercury exposure for both the patient and the dental team. These are a few of the elements involved in SMART- SAFE MERCURY AMALGAM REMOVAL TECHNIQUES. Once the amalgam fillings are removed, dentists can use modern adhesive techniques to bond the new composite or ceramic fillings to the tooth structure, ensuring a long-lasting and secure restoration.

5. Long-Term Health Benefits Through Dentistry with a Holistic Approach
Dr. Shauna Palmer, holistic dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna:

“Holistic dental care is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s no wonder. Our environment impacts our health. Reducing the amount of exposure we receive from toxic substances is important if we want to protect ourselves from illness and injury.

Thankfully, the dental community is on board with finding healthful ways to provide dental treatment and care. If you’d like more information regarding safer amalgam fillings removal or other holistic dental care options, don’t hesitate to ask. My team and I are happy to provide you with information regarding best dental care practices and providing you with safe, quality dental services.

Replacing your mercury dental fillings can have long-term health benefits for both your oral and overall health. Composite and ceramic fillings are less likely to crack or fracture over time, reducing the risk of tooth decay.”

Dr. Shauna Palmer is (SMART) Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique – Certified.

Discover the revolutionary (SMART) Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna, provided by the highly skilled and compassionate Dr. Shauna Palmer. As part of her holistic dental services, Dr. Palmer utilizes this cutting-edge procedure to safely remove old mercury fillings, minimizing your exposure to harmful mercury vapors.

Experience the difference with our state-of-the-art, health-conscious dental practice and replace your mercury fillings with new, healthier, and more aesthetically pleasing white fillings. Don’t wait – give yourself the gift of a healthier smile and enhanced well-being.

Contact Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry today to schedule your consultation and begin your journey towards a brighter, safer smile!

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What kind of treatments does a holistic dentist in Kelowna offer?

When most people think of visiting the dentist, they imagine a typical traditional dental office with drill sounds and fluorescent lighting. However, a growing number of people are seeking out holistic dentists who offer alternative treatments to promote overall health and well-being. Holistic dentistry is a whole-body approach to oral health that considers the impact of dental treatments on the rest of the body. One of the dentists that provide holistic dentistry treatments in West Kelowna BC is

Dr. Shauna Palmer:
“When I do my job properly, people that were afraid or hesitant to smile will be walking around with a perm-grin. As a proud West Kelowna dentist, I would like to help change people’s lives, not just their appearance. My goal and my priority are to help my clients live better, more fulfilled lives. And that starts with taking your smile and making it ‘you’, and the objective to make it better.”

Holistic treatments Dr. Shauna Palmer provides at Health & Beauty Dentistry – West Kelowna:

1.Mercury-free dentistry: One of the key principles of holistic dentistry is to avoid the use of toxic materials, such as mercury. Holistic dentists do not use mercury amalgam fillings, which are made up of a mixture of metals that can leach into the body. Instead, they offer alternatives such as composite fillings, porcelain/ceramics and zirconia.  Also, they offer safe mercury amalgam removal techniques to reduce exposure to harmful mercury vapors.

2.Fluoride-free dentistry: While many traditional dentists recommend the use of fluoride to prevent tooth decay, some holistic dentists believe that fluoride can be harmful when ingested in large amounts. Holistic dentists may offer alternative treatments for preventing tooth decay, such as remineralization therapies, which use a combination of minerals and vitamins to strengthen teeth.

3.Non-surgical gum disease treatment: Holistic dentists may offer non-surgical treatment options for gum disease, such as ozone therapy or laser therapy. These treatments use non-invasive methods to remove bacteria and promote the healing of the gums.

4.Biological extractions: Holistic dentists may use a biological approach to tooth extractions, which involves removing teeth in a way that preserves the surrounding bone and tissue if at all possible. This can help promote healing and prevent the need for invasive surgical procedures. They also can use ozone during surgery to help prevent infection and promote healing.

5.Nutritional counselling: Holistic dentists may offer nutritional counselling to help patients improve their overall health and well-being. This may include recommendations for dietary changes, supplements, and other lifestyle modifications.

6.Homeopathic remedies: Holistic dentists may use homeopathic remedies to promote healing and relieve pain. For example, they may use Arnica, a homeopathic remedy, to reduce swelling and bruising after dental procedures. Also, ozone treatment can be used for infection and healing as it is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral and is anti-inflammatory.

7.Airway-focused dentistry: Holistic dentists may also focus on the airway and how it relates to oral health. They may use airway appliances to help patients breathe more easily at night and reduce snoring.

8.Salivary testing: Holistic dentists may also offer salivary testing to evaluate the health of the mouth and body. This testing can help identify imbalances and deficiencies in the body and guide treatment plans.

9.Bio-compatible materials: Holistic dentists may also use bio-compatible materials for dental restorations, such as ceramic and zirconia. These materials are considered safer and more biologically compatible than traditional metal restorations.

10.Laser dentistry: Holistic dentists may also use lasers for various dental procedures, including gum disease treatment, cavity detection, and tooth whitening. Laser dentistry is minimally invasive and can promote faster healing. 
11. Some holistic dentists treat TMJ/jaw issues as they are related to headaches, neck, face and shoulder pain, postural problems, dizziness and other symptoms.

12.Last but not least: Oral cancer screening: Oral cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that affects millions of people around the world. One of the key principles of holistic dentistry is to address not only dental issues but also overall health and well-being, including the prevention and early detection of oral cancer.

Holistic dentists often perform oral cancer screening as part of routine dental check-ups to identify any signs of oral cancer early and prevent the disease from progressing. Oral cancer screening is a non-invasive examination of the mouth, including the head and neck region, lips, gums, tongue, inside of the cheeks, and the roof and floor of the mouth. During the screening, the dentist will look for any abnormalities, such as lumps, red or white patches, sores, or lesions. They may also use special tools, such as a light or a dye, to help identify any suspicious areas.

Holistic dentists may also use a whole-body approach to oral cancer treatment. They may work in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as oncologists or naturopathic doctors, to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses not only cancer but also the patient’s overall health and well-being. 

Holistic dentists like Dr. Shauna Palmer use oral cancer screening as a preventive measure to detect any signs of oral cancer early and promote overall health and well-being. If you’re concerned about oral cancer or interested in exploring a more natural and holistic approach to dental care, consider making an appointment with Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West Kelowna.

West Kelowna Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry:

Holistic dentistry offers a wide range of treatments that promote overall health and well-being. From mercury-free dentistry to nutritional counselling, holistic dentists focus on the whole body and how oral health impacts overall health.

If you’d like to explore a more natural approach to dental care, consider Health & Beauty Dentistry in West Kelowna. Dr. Palmer is a reputable holistic dentist with numerous positive online reviews from happy patients. She can provide you with personalized treatment options that address your individual needs and concerns.

Interested? Make an appointment today!

blog TMJ

The Dreaded TMJ Headache & Migraine: Learn More About Causes, Treatments, and Prevention.


TMJ Causes

There are a few causes of TMJ migraines and headaches.  One of the most common is a jaw or bite imbalance.   Other common causes are injuries such as a fracture or dislocation or a medical condition such as rheumatoid arthritis. 

However, there can be other “triggers” outside of the cause which can exacerbate headaches or migraines.  The triggers can be things like stress, whether it is physical, emotional, dietary, chemical or hormonal, as examples.  The pain of TMJ headaches or migraines is typically from the jaw muscles that are under strain from the jaw imbalance.  

TMJ Dysfunction Treatment

 In order to treat the symptoms of TMJ, headaches and migraines as only a few of many potential symptoms, the jaw must be balanced and the muscles allowed to relax and heal.  A physiologic dentist can have day and night oral appliances fabricated in positions that maintain relaxed muscles and allow healing. 

Other important things to help with healing are good nutrition, certain dietary supplements, initially a softer diet, adjunctive therapies such as ultrasound or laser treatment, massage therapy, physiotherapy, trigger point injections, relaxation techniques and others.

TMJ Disorder Prevention

Prevention should start young; during a child’s infancy. In order to develop the jaws properly we need 3 key things:

  1. Nasal breathing
  2. Lip seal
  3. Proper tongue function

To achieve these things, babies ideally should be breastfed and checked for tongue and/or lip ties.  IF any impediments to feeding, these tissues should be released as soon as possible.  If bottles or soothers are used, they should be from “Nuk“, a brand that allows more ideal tongue function.  Nasal breathing should be day and night with lips closed. 

It is highly recommended to watch children during the day and at night to see if their mouths are closed and that they are not snoring (other than with the occasional cold).  If there is nasal congestion or snoring, check for enlarged tonsils and allergies.  The most common allergies to food are dairy, gluten and sugar.  Allergies should be addressed early in life and tonsils (and often adenoids) that are chronically enlarged should be removed to open the airway if the allergen can not be determined or reduced.  Chronic airway obstruction can lead not only to problems in jaw development but problems with cognitive development as well as obstructive sleep apnea. 

In conclusion:
TMJ is a condition that can cause serious pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and head, as well as difficulties with speaking, eating and opening the mouth.  A TMJ pain care provider like Dr. Palmer might be able to help you diagnose and treat your TMJ dysfunction. Dr. Palmer has treated many people who suffer from TMJ Disorder successfully, but please be aware that there are no guarantees with any medical treatment.  Every case is different, due to your unique medical condition.

West Kelowna Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry:

“If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ such as headaches, we will do everything possible to help determine the cause of your headaches and recommend an appropriate treatment plan to manage your pain and improve your overall quality of life.  Don’t wait. Waiting for treatment usually makes things worse, causing more pain which makes your life miserable. Please don’t do that to yourself.”

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A holistic dentist is a real dentist who focuses on total body wellness.


 While some people may have never heard of the term and some have a vague understanding of what it is: “Holistic Dentistry”. Holistic dentistry has been around since the 1970s and it’s been steadily gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people look to heal their bodies naturally through diet and nutrition, lifestyle changes, and physical practices like yoga or tai chi.

While regular dentists focus on oral health and fixing your teeth, holistic dentists also look at total body wellness, which includes oral hygiene and prevention of diseases in general, including the emotional condition of their patients. This difference between holistic dentistry and traditional dentistry allows holistic dentists to treat their patients ‘holistically’, meaning: with their overall health in mind.

What can I expect during a first holistic dental visit?

Dr. Shauna Palmer, holistic dentist at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna:
“At your first holistic visit, we perform a thorough dental examination. We will ask you specific questions about your overall health, habits, and medical history so that we can develop a better understanding of your overall health. You will also have to bring any relevant medical records or other documentation to your appointment.
When I do my job properly, people that were afraid or hesitant to smile will be walking around with a perm-grin. As a proud West Kelowna dentist, I would like to help changing people’s lives, not just their appearance. My goal and my priority is to help my patients live better, more fulfilled lives. A fulfilled, healthy life is not about oral health only. It’s about the bigger picture of mind, body, and spirit. In other words: Our dental treatments are about the ‘Whole Thing’ or better said: The ‘Wholistic Picture’. Being a holistic dentist makes my life better as well: I get to know people in a different way; not only their teeth. And after some time, there’s a more in-depth, personal understanding. Yes, holistic dentistry is more fulfilling and rewarding for me as well!”

What dental services does a holistic dentist provide?

Holistic dentistry is just as technologically advanced as traditional dentistry, if not more so. Please be aware that the services offered at each holistic dental office will differ.

A holistic dentist like Dr. Shauna Palmer in West-Kelowna provides E.G.:

Dental lasers can be used to treat gum disease, oral infections, sensitive teeth and so much more. Laser treatment can reduce pain, is less invasive, and causes less discomfort than traditional dental tools.

In general, laser dentistry results in less bleeding. There is a significantly lower risk of bacterial infection or tissue damage when used as a treatment option.

Based on up-to- date scientific research, we recommend the removal of existing dental mercury amalgam fillings, to assist in reducing the potential negative health outcomes of mercury exposure to patients, dental professionals, dental students, office staff, and others.

Why mercury filling removal? Dental amalgam fillings, which are made with a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin, and sometimes zinc, are still applied in the United States and Canada. Often called “silver fillings,” all dental amalgams are 45-55% elemental mercury. Mercury is toxic, and this poison is recognized as a chemical of major concern because it poses a dangerous threat to public health.  Mercury accumulates in the body, and any amount of mercury taken into the body should be considered hazardous.

Therefore, the use of mercury in dental amalgam fillings poses serious risks to human health, and dental mercury released into the environment can cause long-lasting damage.

Holistic Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer in West-Kelowna is SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) Certified. Following a SMART procedure when dealing with amalgam removals ensures that the patient, the dental team, and the environment are well protected from the release of mercury during and after the treatment.

Learn more by viewing this video:

West Kelowna dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer has been practicing with a physiologic approach to dentistry since 2000. She believes that physiologically based orthodontics can be more effective, depending on the patient’s requirements, oral health and medical condition.

What is a physiologic approach to orthodontics? Through computerized tomography imaging and the use of other diagnostic technologies, we can assess the shape, position, and health of your cranial, facial and jaw structures.

Problems to look for are things such as an underdeveloped upper jaw, or an underdeveloped bottom jaw, or a bottom jaw that is overgrown (underbites and overbites), jaws that are too narrow or jaw joints that are compressed or damaged.

Physiologically based orthodontic therapy enables us to correct the size, shape, and position of the jaws for optimal TMJ, airway, cervical posture, facial beauty, and leave plenty of room for beautifully straight teeth.

When it comes to dental braces, Dr. Palmer’s motto is, “We don’t just straighten your teeth. We have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of your jaw, teeth, facial and cranial structures before the braces are created.”
To keep up with new technologies in dentistry, Dr. Palmer follows ongoing orthodontics training in balancing the teeth, jaw muscles, jaw joints, facial structure, body posture, and aesthetics.

What are the benefits of going to a holistic dentist?

Most holistic dental offices will provide you with all of the same services that you can expect to get from a traditional dental office, such as fillings and crowns, extractions, regular teeth cleanings, and gum disease treatment etc. However, holistic dentists generally use less invasive procedures and nontoxic materials. Most importantly: A holistic dentist has your overall health in mind with every treatment provided.

To learn more about the holistic dental services of Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health and Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna, contact us today!

blog Dental Fillings Holistic Approach to Dentistry

Which Dental Fillings are recommended by holistic dentists in Kelowna?

Holistic dentistry is the kind of dental treatment that focuses on the health of your whole body rather than focusing on oral health only. If you’re looking to improve your oral health AND your overall health, an excellent first step is getting in touch with a holistic dentist near you, like Dr. Shauna Palmer in West-Kelowna.

Dr. Shauna Palmer:
“There are still many “blanks” around holistic dentistry. We hear this question all the time: “What dental fillings do holistic dentists use?” So let’s answer this question thoroughly in our October blog article.”

First of all, why do you need a dental filling actually?

You might need a filling if a tooth is weakened when an exterior source eats away at the tooth’s surface and exposes the inner, porous layer of enamel. Acid or sugary substances can deteriorate the surface, weakening it to the point where a restoration is necessary. A dental filling can fill these holes created by erosion, while the tooth still retains its natural structure and shape. 

Fillings typically have a lifespan of three to six years before they need to be replaced because their strength diminishes over time with wear-and-tear from chewing food or exposure to hot liquids and cold drinks.

What are “white” dental fillings?

White fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a mixture of acrylic and resin that is used to fill cavities in teeth. White dental fillings are often preferred because they can be made to match the colour and texture of your teeth so it’s less noticeable when you smile.

White fillings are typically considered a better alternative to amalgam or metal fillings because they don’t contain mercury and other metals that can be harmful for your health over time.
Are white fillings more expensive than metal fillings? Yes, usually they cost a little bit more. But there are multiple benefits to white fillings, including:
Insulating properties
are protecting your tooth much more effectively.
Natural tissues
in the vicinity are better protected
Blending in
with your natural tooth colour.
Biocompatible materials
to protect your oral and overall health

Are amalgam dental fillings unhealthy?


Amalgam fillings are a mix of mercury, silver, copper and other metals that are heated and used to fill cavities in teeth. If the cavity is very large or has a complex shape, a large amount of filling may be needed for a complete filling. In recent years, concern has grown about the toxicity of mercury as it can leak from the amalgam filling into your mouth over time.

Today, holistic dentists (who care about your overall health as well) prefer composite fillings. They have become more popular due to their zero mercury content and because the colour matches the teeth better and makes them less noticeable aesthetically speaking.

Dr Shauna Palmer, holistic dentist in West-Kelowna, is a certified [SMART] Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique providerWhat exactly is SMART Amalgam Filling Removal?

Dr. Shauna Palmer:

“Amalgam filling removal creates mercury vapours and particles. It’s extremely easy to inhale these vapours, which can then be absorbed into the body through the lungs. Removing amalgam fillings incorrectly can expose my patients, my team, and myself to the potentially harmful effects of mercury.
The SMART treatment process provides a SAFE methodology to remove mercury fillings, and replace them with healthy white fillings. In other words, the patients in my care will have less risk of adverse health reactions due to mercury exposure.
Holistic dentists don’t just see a set of teeth. My team and I see each patient that comes into my practice as a whole person. We want to do all we can to care for their body, mind, and spirit. To accomplish that, I implement holistic, homeopathic, and science-based principles into the diagnosis and treatment of my patients.”

What are composite resin fillings?

Composite resin is a new, artificial composite material that dentists use to fill cavities. For decades dentists relied on metal amalgam fillings, but these days composite resin has replaced them for several reasons, including it’s all-in-one sealant and the longer lasting results it provides. It’s also mercury free and improves the aesthetics of teeth by matching tooth enamel more closely than other filling materials. Plus, dental composite can be used to bond metal parts or fill cracks between teeth while other materials are not always suitable for these purposes.

What are ceramic fillings?

Ceramic is the type of filling that is used commonly. Some advantages of ceramic restorations is that they are fairly inexpensive and stronger and longer-lasting than composite fillings. Additionally, they are very aesthetic.

Ceramic fillings are made from materials such as quartz, feldspar, kaolin, clay and alumina which form into layers when heated up to 2100 degrees Celsius. They provide a hard, durable surface that resists corrosion and prevents bacteria from entering the tooth. There are many types of ceramics, including glass-ceramics, porcelain-ceramics, and composite-ceramics (a combination of materials).

Who provides natural, healthy, and good looking white fillings in West Kelowna?

Dr. Shauna Palmer provides a healthy way to replace your mercury fillings with beautiful white ones. If you have any more questions about dental fillings and how they fit into holistic dentistry, feel free to contact our office at anytime! Our knowledgable staff will be happy to help answer any questions you might have, or help you book an appointment with holistic dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer in West-Kelowna.

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Is Holistic Dentistry the Answer to Your Root Canal Woes?


First, let’s talk about what holistic dentistry is and how it differs from standard dentistry. In short, holistic dentistry focuses on your dental health as part of your overall wellness, while typical standard dentistry focuses on just your teeth and gums. If you have some serious dental problems that need more than just a quick cleaning or filling, root canal treatment may be necessary.

Now, a holistic dentist like Dr. Shauna Palmer in West Kelowna will sometimes recommend root canal treatment over tooth removal because they understand all the consequences and true impact that your oral health has on your overall health. Simply put: Holistic dentistry is about looking at the bigger health picture, taking into consideration the whole body, not just your teeth and gums. That’s why it’s also called: Whole body dentistry.

What is a root canal procedure anyway?

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. A root canal procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it. A root canal can be performed by either a general dentist or an Endodontist (a specialist in performing root canal treatments).

Below the most common steps during a root canal procedure:

In most cases, local anesthesia is given to numb the infected tooth and the surrounding gums.

Dental dam placement.
A dental dam is placed on a ‘frame’ so that the top of the dam is even with the top of the frame.

Access hole.
A small access hole is drilled through the biting surface of an affected back tooth or from behind a front tooth, allowing access to the pulp chamber and root canals for treatment.

Pulp removal.
A pulpectomy provides a complete removal of pulp from the crown and roots.

Shaping the canals.
This involves removal of organic tissue and enlargement of the canal to create a suitable shape.

Disinfecting the canals.
Here is where holistic dentistry differs from traditional. Holistic dentists use more non-toxic substances to disinfect the canals.  Typically, ozone gas and laser treatment are used.  These types of procedures also are more effective at accessing tiny accessory canals to remove harmful bacteria before filling the canals.

Filling the canals.
After the space is cleaned and shaped, the root canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.

Sealing the tooth.
The  gutta-percha is placed with an adhesive sealer to ensure complete sealing of the root canals.

Placing the final restoration.
In general, a dental crown is placed to complete the restoration.

Do root canals hurt that bad?

Most people think of root canals as being painful and expensive, but they don’t have to be. A holistic dentist like Dr. Shauna Palmer can provide you with a comfortable root canal treatment. 

Plus, there are many benefits to choosing a holistic approach, such as avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and promoting overall health and wellness. When treated correctly, the tooth will heal faster, and there will be minimal pain or discomfort.

Why Choose Holistic Dentistry Over Conventional Treatment Procedures?

If you’re considering a root canal, you may be wondering if holistic dentistry is the right choice for you.

Here are seven reasons why holistic dentistry may be a better option for you:

  1. Holistic dentists focus on preventing dental problems, rather than just treating them.
  2. They use non-toxic materials and avoid mercury fillings.
  3. They believe that oral health is connected to overall health, so they take a whole-body approach to treatment.
  4. They use natural therapies in addition to traditional dental treatments.
  5. They believe in treating the underlying cause of disease, rather than just the symptoms.
  6. They offer minimally invasive treatments whenever possible.
  7. They help educate patients about how to improve their own oral hygiene habits at home.

A holistic dentist like Dr. Shauna Palmer in Kelowna, could give you greater peace of mind when it comes to your oral health and that of your family’s as well, knowing that you are getting treatment from someone who focuses on prevention rather than just treating problems after they occur.

Tooth Aching in West Kelowna? Contact Our Office Today!

If you think you might need a root canal or another dental procedure, or if you just want to know more about the benefits of holistic dentistry and how it differs from traditional dentistry, feel free to call our office any time and we’ll be happy to help you answer any more questions you might have or to book an appointment with Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna.

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What is the difference between a holistic dentist and a regular dentist?


Wondering what the difference is between a holistic dentist and a regular dentist? It can be hard to make sense of all the jargon thrown around, but please don’t fret! Here are some of the basic differences between the two, and how they can affect your dental visits.

Holistic vs Regular Dentist

When you visit the dentist, what type of dental care do you expect to receive? Most people are familiar with standard dentistry, which is the type of care that focuses on the health of your teeth and gums. However, there is another type of dental care that is becoming more popular: Holistic Dentistry. 

Holistic dentists like Dr. Shauna Palmer in West Kelowna use regular dentistry as part of their treatment but  focus on the patient’s overall wellness. Since your oral health is directly connected to your overall health, it only makes sense.

Why Should I Choose Holistic Dentistry over Regular Dentistry?

There are many reasons why you should choose holistic dentistry over general dentistry. Holistic dentists take a more natural approach to dental care, using biocompatible materials and minimally invasive procedures whenever possible. They also focus on treating the whole person, not just their teeth, and consider how your oral health affects your overall health. 

Holistic dentists believe in looking at how all aspects of one’s life can affect oral health and may provide treatments for mental illnesses, allergies, jaw alignment issues, or gum disease as well as other problems affecting oral health. A holistically-minded dentist might take into account a person’s diet or lifestyle when developing treatment plans for their patients.

What About Allergies and Sensitivities?

When you have allergies or sensitivities, your body reacts to things that are normally harmless. This can happen when you eat certain foods, come in contact with certain substances, or even when you’re around certain animals.

A holistic dentist will take these into account when treating you for dental issues so they can create a customized treatment plan just for you. With this type of treatment, it is possible to find relief from pain and maintain a high quality of life.

What kind of Filling Materials Are Used by Holistic Dentists?

Dental amalgam is a silver-colored alloy used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay. Amalgam is made of mercury, silver, tin, and other metals. Holistic dentists avoid using amalgam because it contains mercury, which can be toxic. 

Instead, they use tooth-colored composite resin or ceramic to fill cavities. Regular dentists may use either type of filling material depending on the patient’s preference. Composite resins might be more expensive than amalgam but are generally more durable.

The Direction of Health in Traditional Dentistry vs Holistic Dentistry

As more and more people become interested in living a healthier lifestyle, the demand for holistic dentistry is on the rise. Holistic dentists take a more natural approach to oral care, with the goal of not only treating dental problems but also promoting overall wellness. Holistic dentists are concerned about the whole person, which means that they address issues such as nutrition, weight management, stress levels and even sleeping habits before addressing tooth decay or gum disease. The focus is on prevention rather than just treating symptoms after they’ve developed into serious health conditions.

The first question a holistic dentist may ask you is about your sleep patterns because your mouth needs to rest when you do. They may recommend changes in your diet if you are having trouble maintaining good teeth through diet alone. 

When having dental issues, a holistic dentist should be able to give you tips on how to reduce stress and live a happier life so that your mouth can heal itself. If you have been living an unhealthy lifestyle, chances are it has impacted your oral health. A holistic dentist can help identify any underlying causes of oral issues that might be affecting your overall well-being.

Dr. Shauna Palmer provides Holistic Dental Treatment in West-Kelowna

If you’re interested in holistic dentistry for yourself or your family, or if you have any more questions about how holistic dentistry differs from standard dentistry, then give Dr. Shauna Palmer’s office a call. Her knowledgable staff will be more than happy to help.

Make an appointment today!

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The Truth About Periodontal Disease and Bleeding Gums


Bleeding gums can be alarming, especially if you’re not sure what to do about it. Fortunately, periodontal disease isn’t something that should keep you up at night (pun intended). But before we go into treatment options, it’s important to understand what periodontal disease is, and what might be causing your bleeding gums.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. It’s typically caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden and turn into tartar. Tartar can irritate your gums, causing them to swell and bleed. Once tartar has become too difficult to remove with regular brushing, you will need professional cleaning from your dentist or dental hygienist.

A key sign of periodontal disease is bleeding gums—or even loose teeth. According to nationwide research, 80% of adults over 30 have some form of periodontal disease in their mouths. If you are experiencing symptoms like bleeding gums or loose teeth, seek treatment as soon as possible.

Located in West-Kelowna, Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry provides treatment for periodontal (gum) disease with a holistic approach. Our motto, “treat it before it’s too late”.  Make an appointment today.

How Do I Know If I Have Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Periodontal disease is typically caused by poor oral hygiene. Symptoms include red, swollen, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. Treatment options include scaling and root planing (a deep cleaning), antibacterial agents, and sometimes surgery.

You can help prevent periodontal disease by brushing, flossing or using a water floss system regularly and visiting your dentist for regular cleanings. You may also want to ask Dr. Palmer and her team about the Perio Protect® system, which is a non surgical, at home treatment system or the laser therapy. (see below).  Dr Palmer’s office also carries the Young Living® Thieves line of toothpaste and mouth wash which use essential oils rather than harsh chemicals.

What Are the Symptoms of Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

The following are warning signs of periodontal disease:

  • Bad breath or bad taste that won’t go away.
  • Red or swollen gums.
  • Tender or bleeding gums.
  • Painful chewing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Gums that have pulled away from your teeth.
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.

What Treatment Options are Available for Someone With Gum Disease?

If you have gum disease, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of all adults in Canada have some form of periodontal disease. The good news is that there are treatment options available. Here are a few to consider:

1. Regular dental cleanings – This is one of the most effective ways to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. Scaling and root planing – This is a deeper cleaning than a regular cleaning, and it’s often recommended for those with more advanced periodontal disease.

2. Perio Protect® system or laser therapy. (see below)

3. Gum tissue graft surgery – A piece of skin is cut at the roof of your mouth (palate) to replace affected gum tissue.

Why Choose A Holistic Dentist for Periodontal Disease Treatment?

Your mouth’s ability to heal from periodontal gum disease depends on the advancement of the disease and the extent of damage done. The good news is that there are treatments available to help your gums recover from even advanced stages of periodontal gum disease.

At Health & Beauty Dentistry, Dr. Shauna Palmer uses Perio Protect® trays that resemble mouth guards. These trays rest over your diseased gums and a patented hydrogen peroxide gel is placed in the trays for a few minutes daily to help kill the harmful bacteria in the pockets and help heal your smile non-invasively.

Additionally, Dr. Shauna Palmer uses specialized laser therapy to help focus-in and kill bacteria in your gums with minimal invasion so that your gums and teeth can begin the recovery process. Laser therapy continues to become a revolutionary treatment approach in the oral health industry.

The more intense and severe the periodontitis, typically the longer the healing process and the more rigorous dental treatment you will need. At Health & Beauty Dentistry, Dr. Palmer strives to take the least invasive and most gentle approach possible.

While periodontitis can be extremely upsetting, scary and painful to experience, you can rest assured that the treatment Dr. Shauna Palmer provides, will help support you through the recovery process, whether you are in an early or advanced stage of gum disease. Dentist, Dr. Shauna Palmer, and her hygienist in Kelowna are able to identify any early signs of gum disease and provide treatment accordingly. Treating periodontal disease is important not only to help prevent you from losing your teeth but also improves your overall health as there is a well-studied mouth and body connection.

When you experience any of the symptoms above, please contact us to book a gum disease appointment.

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3 Important Reasons Why You Should Get an Oral Cancer Screening at the Dentist


Oral cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer, and every year thousands of people die from this cancer without ever knowing they had it. To combat this, all Canadian Dental Associations recommend that you get an oral cancer screening in Kelowna at least once every year, particularly if you are age 50 or older, or have a history of heavy smoking or alcohol consumption. Screenings typically include visual inspection of your mouth and tongue by your dentist, which can lead to early detection and removal of pre-cancerous lesions before they turn into cancerous tumours.

Oral cancer, though relatively rare, can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. The good news is that oral cancer has one of the highest cure rates of any type of cancer – provided it’s caught early enough! Your dentist can screen you for oral cancer  during your next checkup, so take time to learn about the three most important reasons why getting an oral cancer screening at the dentist is essential to your health and wellness.

#1. PREVENTION (Can oral cancer screening prevent oral cancer?)

Many people fail to get oral cancer screenings in West Kelowna, but they’re an easy way to catch possible problems before they become a major problem. Kelowna Oral cancer screening isn’t meant to replace your normal oral care routine (it just complements it). Your dentist can spot trouble spots that you may have missed during a routine dental checkup and may suggest ways for you to make changes to your routine, such as brushing your teeth more often or adding flossing. However, there is one surefire way of spotting all potential issues—getting a professional oral cancer screening in West Kelowna from a dental professional.

Oral cancer can also be a symptom of another medical condition, such as diabetes. Because these diseases are treatable, if oral cancer is caught early enough, it’s easier to treat and eradicate. Your dental hygienist or dentist in Kelowna may suggest an oral cancer screening if you’re over 50 years old and haven’t had one in two years. However, no matter your age or whether you had a previous oral cancer screening in Kelowna, keeping up with your regular cleanings every six months is a good idea. Getting teeth cleanings twice per year greatly reduces your risk of developing gum disease and other ailments that may result in periodontal disease.

#2. EARLY DETECTION (Does early detection make a difference for survival rate?)

Early detection is critical to survival rates and preventing oral cancer. In fact, 90% of oral cancers are diagnosed in late stages when they have already begun to spread to other areas of your body. A great way to help prevent early detection is by getting a regular dental exam every six months. Early detection is one of three important reasons why you should get an oral cancer screening at your West Kelowna dentist’s office.

Another important reason is CONFIDENCE (How do I feel about my smile?). Getting an oral cancer screening can also boost your confidence because it allows you to know for sure that there are no oral health issues that could affect your smile or overall health. If there were any problems, you would be able to address them before they got worse. Many people who have gotten their oral cancer screenings say that knowing for sure that everything is okay makes them feel more confident about their smiles and themselves as a whole.

#3. IMPROVED TREATMENT (Can oral cancer be treated effectively?)

An oral cancer screening in West Kelowna is one of several tests you may need if your dentist suspects you have oral cancer. Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, can develop in your lips, tongue, cheeks and throat. While it’s less common than other types of cancers, it’s also one of the most deadly cancers since symptoms don’t usually appear until it’s in its late stages. But with early detection and a biopsy, chances are good that it can be cured. If not caught early enough and completely removed by surgery or chemotherapy (oral cancer treatment), your risk for recurring disease or death increases dramatically.

Kelowna Oral cancer screenings help dentists detect oral cancer before it spreads to other parts of your body. It’s important to get regular oral cancer screenings because there are often no symptoms to indicate you have oral cancer until it has reached an advanced stage, which makes treating it more difficult. Oral cancer screenings aren’t just for those who use tobacco products; anyone who wants to lower their risk should schedule an appointment with their dentist to learn more about how they can protect themselves from developing oral cancer.

Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in Kelowna BC can provide oral cancer screenings regularly. Schedule yours ASAP.