Do I have TMJ?

Do I have TMJ? West Kelowna

Do I have TMJ?

Do I have TMJ


Every person has a TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Not every person has a TMJ Disorder. When you experience TMJ symptoms like:

  • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
  • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Aching facial pain
  • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Neck, shoulder and back pain
  • Many more symptoms including ear, eye and sinus issues

you might have a TMJ Disorder.

When pain persists, you definitely need to visit a doctor. When untreated, TMJ Disorders can cause serious pain problems that require medical care. Long term TMJ patients often suffer from excruciating migraines and headaches, jaw and neck pain, depression, and social disorders. Please don’t wait when you experience any of these symptoms. Take action soon. Waiting – usually makes things worse.

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At any rate: Take action

TMJ doctor Kelowna

Waiting with medical treatment probably makes things worse

While it’s not universally true that waiting with medical treatment will always make things worse, in many cases, delaying medical care can lead to significantly more severe health problems. Early diagnosis and treatment of conditions, from chronic diseases to acute infections, are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, early intervention can prevent diseases from progressing to more serious stages, where they become more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat.

For instance a TMJ disorder, if detected early, can often be treated more effectively, leading to better outcomes and results. Secondly, early treatment can often prevent complications that arise from the progression of the issue. These complications can not only worsen the patient’s quality of life but also make the treatment process more complex and risky.

Therefore, seeking prompt medical attention upon noticing symptoms or health changes is essential for the best possible health outcomes. Need a TMJ practitioner in Kelowna? Contact Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty dentistry today.


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Dentist Reviews Kelowna

What patients say about Kelowna Holistic Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer

[These are actual Google Reviews]

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Rob C.

Easily the best experience I have had at a dental clinic. From start to finish, the entire team works their hardest to make the entire process as comforting and informative as possible...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Farah C.

Dr. Palmer is very thorough and detailed. I generally tend to avoid going to the dentists because of not so positive past experiences. However, I have been very impressed ...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Jody V.

I have never in my life been so impressed with a dentist's office. I chose this practice when I moved here because it spoke to being holistic, and holistic it is ...

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Why choose Dr. Shauna Palmer?

Switch to a holistic approach

  • End Holistic Dentistry confusion
  • Don’t continue unhealthy dentistry
  • Avoid putting toxic chemicals into your body
  • Stop treating symptoms only, treat the causes
  • Forget about a one size fits all approach to dentistry

Live healthier, happier and longer

  • Take control over what goes into your mouth and body
  • Strive for the oral health you’ve always wanted
  • Find clarity about healthy, natural, holistic dentistry
  • Enjoy feeling better about yourself
  • Choose a healthier life!
Best general dentist in west kelowna

Make an appointment today!

Health & Beauty Dentistry

TMJ Treatment West Kelowna

TMJ Treatment West Kelowna

Can a TMJ Disorder be fixed permanently?

TMJ Treatment Dentist Kelowna

In any kind of health-related field, there is great risk and controversy that comes with claiming there is a permanent cure to a condition. While the human body is incredibly resilient and many dental professionals claim that you can permanently cure TMJ, we’re going to veer away from this guarantee.

However, we can confidently say that TMJ can be managed with the help of a TMJ treatment West Kelowna specialist.

The difference between curable and treatable is that:

Curable suggests a complete restoration of health where the condition is fully eliminated with no lingering symptoms or complications.

Treatable describes the managing and decreasing of symptoms of a condition over time while not implying that the condition is completely eradicated.

TMJ is a complex case because the jaw joint is made of fibrocartilage, the same kind also found in your knee and in the discs between your vertebrae. Because it cannot regenerate, injuries and wear and tear to this tissue can lead to permanent issues.

In the early stages of TMJ, you absolutely have the control to prevent serious damage to your jaw joint. If you’re looking for TMJ treatment in West Kelowna, we offer a variety of holistic TMJ management services to stop further deterioration and manage the pain you’re in.

This can include:

  • Orthodontic devices for night and day wear
  • Performing routine exercises for the face and jaw
  • Reducing stress in your life
  • Decreasing caffeine intake
  • Avoiding hard, chewing or sticky foods

In extreme stages of TMJ, greater intervention may be needed, such as surgery. While this is widely considered a last resort, it can be necessary when treatment isn’t applied soon enough.

Don’t let TMJ interfere with your quality of life. Health & Beauty Dentistry is a judgement zone and we’re here to help support you in finding realistic, holistic TMJ treatment in West Kelowna that aligns with your lifestyle and budget!

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kelowna tmj treatment

What is "TMJ treatment"?

TMJ treatment Kelowna

When you are living with a TMJ Disorder, you are most likely in pain for most of the day, every day. Living in pain is not living at all. Since most TMJ Disorders are caused by dental problems, yes – your bite is the culprit, West Kelowna dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer is able to provide effective TMJ Treatment.

How does it work?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a sliding hinge that connects each side of the jawbone to the skull. When these joints are under tension and stress, they can cause severe TMJ pain, tenderness, difficulty chewing, headaches, migraines, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth.

By realigning your bite and restoring the balance, relaxation of the affected muscles is possible. When the hyper-tensed muscles are in a relaxed position, the pain usually decreases.

Dr. Shauna Palmer believes that no one should have to live with a TMJ Disorder and provides TMJ Treatment with a physiological, holistic approach. Meaning: Keeping the whole body in mind because more parts of your body could be affected by a TMJ Disorder.

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dentist tmj treatment kelowna

Dentist Reviews Kelowna

What patients say about Kelowna TMJ Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer

[These are actual Google Reviews]

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Rob C.

Easily the best experience I have had at a dental clinic. From start to finish, the entire team works their hardest to make the entire process as comforting and informative as possible...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Farah C.

Dr. Palmer is very thorough and detailed. I generally tend to avoid going to the dentists because of not so positive past experiences. However, I have been very impressed ...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Jody V.

I have never in my life been so impressed with a dentist's office. I chose this practice when I moved here because it spoke to being holistic, and holistic it is ...

tmj treatment in kelowna

What causes a TMJ Disorder?

TMJ Treatment in West Kelowna

By now, we know that TMJ pain affects more women than men and most commonly affects those between the age of 20 and 60. Nevertheless, men can experience the same symptoms and effects.

While TMJ causes are not always obvious, the most common causes include:

  • Misaligned jaws or bite
  • Injuries
  • Missing Teeth
  • Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Teeth clenching or grinding
  • Genetics

In most cases, multiple factors have an accumulative effect on the position of the teeth, causing an imbalance. The TMJ joints are trying by nature to restore that balance, therefore causing muscle strain and pain. A TMJ Disorder can even have a negative effect on your internal organs, posture, and even mental health. 

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How to treat a TMJ Disorder? A physiologic and holistic approach is preferred.

Since every TMJ case is different, there isn’t ‘one way’ to treat a TMJ Disorder. The individual variables are so numerous that it really doesn’t make sense to declare: “This is how you treat TMJ”.

Dr. Shauna Palmer, West Kelowna dentist, providing TMJ Treatment:

“What we can provide is insight in some aspects of the TMJ Treatment process:

  1. A thorough dental exam is performed including digital X-rays and digital 3D imaging to determine all the possible factors that play a role.
  2. Extensive muscle tension tests are performed to measure where strain and pain is coming from.
  3. Dental devices (physiologically designed daytime orthotic/night time sleep appliance) will be fabricated to re-balance the bite. A level 3 sleep screening is performed prior to fabrication of the devices in order to determine if there is any sleep disorder breathing such as obstructive sleep apnea.
  4. Jaw movements will be measured to define the effectiveness of the treatment in progress
  5. Jaws can then be restored in the most physiologic position. A phase 2 treatment can involve a long term removable orthotic and sleep appliance, physiologically based orthodontics, physiologically based restorations (crowns, bridges, veneers, implants etc.), or a combination of physiologically based orthodontics and restorative work.

Again, individual treatment approaches and results vary. Most importantly, TMJ Treatment requires a holistic / physiological approach. Since all parts of the body can be affected, a 360 vision needs to be applied to every TMJ Treatment process.

tmj treatment specialist kelowna

Why choose Dr. Shauna Palmer?

Switch to a holistic approach

  • End Holistic Dentistry confusion
  • Don’t continue unhealthy dentistry
  • Avoid putting toxic chemicals into your body
  • Stop treating symptoms only, treat the causes
  • Forget about a one size fits all approach to dentistry

Live healthier, happier and longer

  • Take control over what goes into your mouth and body
  • Strive for the oral health you’ve always wanted
  • Find clarity about healthy, natural, holistic dentistry
  • Enjoy feeling better about yourself
  • Choose a healthier life!
Best general dentist in west kelowna

Make an appointment today!

Health & Beauty Dentistry

blog TMJ

The Dreaded TMJ Headache & Migraine: Learn More About Causes, Treatments, and Prevention.


TMJ Causes

There are a few causes of TMJ migraines and headaches.  One of the most common is a jaw or bite imbalance.   Other common causes are injuries such as a fracture or dislocation or a medical condition such as rheumatoid arthritis. 

However, there can be other “triggers” outside of the cause which can exacerbate headaches or migraines.  The triggers can be things like stress, whether it is physical, emotional, dietary, chemical or hormonal, as examples.  The pain of TMJ headaches or migraines is typically from the jaw muscles that are under strain from the jaw imbalance.  

TMJ Dysfunction Treatment

 In order to treat the symptoms of TMJ, headaches and migraines as only a few of many potential symptoms, the jaw must be balanced and the muscles allowed to relax and heal.  A physiologic dentist can have day and night oral appliances fabricated in positions that maintain relaxed muscles and allow healing. 

Other important things to help with healing are good nutrition, certain dietary supplements, initially a softer diet, adjunctive therapies such as ultrasound or laser treatment, massage therapy, physiotherapy, trigger point injections, relaxation techniques and others.

TMJ Disorder Prevention

Prevention should start young; during a child’s infancy. In order to develop the jaws properly we need 3 key things:

  1. Nasal breathing
  2. Lip seal
  3. Proper tongue function

To achieve these things, babies ideally should be breastfed and checked for tongue and/or lip ties.  IF any impediments to feeding, these tissues should be released as soon as possible.  If bottles or soothers are used, they should be from “Nuk“, a brand that allows more ideal tongue function.  Nasal breathing should be day and night with lips closed. 

It is highly recommended to watch children during the day and at night to see if their mouths are closed and that they are not snoring (other than with the occasional cold).  If there is nasal congestion or snoring, check for enlarged tonsils and allergies.  The most common allergies to food are dairy, gluten and sugar.  Allergies should be addressed early in life and tonsils (and often adenoids) that are chronically enlarged should be removed to open the airway if the allergen can not be determined or reduced.  Chronic airway obstruction can lead not only to problems in jaw development but problems with cognitive development as well as obstructive sleep apnea. 

In conclusion:
TMJ is a condition that can cause serious pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and head, as well as difficulties with speaking, eating and opening the mouth.  A TMJ pain care provider like Dr. Palmer might be able to help you diagnose and treat your TMJ dysfunction. Dr. Palmer has treated many people who suffer from TMJ Disorder successfully, but please be aware that there are no guarantees with any medical treatment.  Every case is different, due to your unique medical condition.

West Kelowna Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry:

“If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ such as headaches, we will do everything possible to help determine the cause of your headaches and recommend an appropriate treatment plan to manage your pain and improve your overall quality of life.  Don’t wait. Waiting for treatment usually makes things worse, causing more pain which makes your life miserable. Please don’t do that to yourself.”