TMJ Jaw Pain West Kelowna

TMJ Jaw Pain West Kelowna

Why does my jaw ache on one side? I need help.

TMJ jaw pain west kelowna


Do you suffer from jaw pain? If you do, you’re not alone. Millions of people experience these symptoms because of a condition called TMJ disorder, or TMD for short – temporomandibular disorder.

Jaw pain is often caused by jaw misalignment. This causes jaw pain because of the strain that’s placed upon the muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments of the head. When all of these tissues are in proper alignment, the jaw functions at full capacity and without pain.

The strain, though, can lead to headaches, migraines, and tooth pain. It can even lead to cracked or broken teeth.

What causes misalignment and TMJ disorder? There are a number of causes, including:

  • Jaws that don’t develop properly
  • Missing teeth
  • Gaps in the teeth
  • Enamel wear
  • Crowded or crooked teeth

Anatomical dysfunction of the jaws, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite occur due to improper jaw development. Jaw development is altered when there is an airway problem and/or improper tongue function in early life.

The tongue is a big powerful muscle that is supposed to sit on the roof of the mouth at rest, and then just push up during swallowing. It helps develop the upper jaw to a nice wide and forward position, which allows our lower jaw to develop and function in an ideal position.

However, things like thumb-sucking, bottle feeding, tongue ties, and allergies that cause airway congestion and obstruction all alter the function of our tongue in early life. The tongue no longer sits in the proper position and the muscles of the face and mouth have more dominance, causing our upper and lower jaws to develop more narrowly and more retruded. This predisposes us to dental crowding, TMJ and postural pain or problems, and airway issues like snoring and sleep apnea.

It’s important to note that a TMJ disorder will eventually lead to problems with your overall health. In addition to all of the dental problems TMD patients face, they can also end up with:

  • Sleep apnea (which can cause many medical problems)
  • Bad digestion
  • Making poor nutritional decisions (because no one wants to eat crunchy carrots when you have jaw pain or sore teeth)
  • Fatigue
  • Instability and poor posture.
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tmj dentist jaw pain kelowna

Can misalignment of the jaw affect your posture and overall health? Yes it can.

posture and TMJ kelowna


Is the idea that the misalignment of your jaw can lead to poor posture a new one for you? You’re not alone. Many people don’t realize just how impactful TMJ disorder and jaw pain can be on the rest of the body.

It’s amazing just how intricately connected the entire body really is, which is why a dentist West Kelowna, Dr. Shauna Palmer will encourage you to get treatment for TMD. It’s not just about fixing the teeth – it’s about fixing the body. And science backs this up.

Researchers at the University of Barcelona, Spain and the University of Innsbruck, Austria, found a correlation between dental malocclusion and posture in separate 2016 studies.

The data from these studies showed that when one part of the body is out of alignment, others will be as well. So, patients with TMJ disorder are more likely to experience muscle fatigue, loss of balance, and pain throughout their body.

How does a loss of balance fit into this scenario? It’s due to the vestibular nerves related to balance and control, as well as the trigeminal nerve, which is the main nerve involved in mastication.

The muscles of the neck also play a role, and when there is strain and tightness, which is common in TMD patients, these nerves are activated. The result is jaw pain, as well as pain throughout the head, neck, and shoulders, as well as loss of balance and stability.

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TMJ Jaw pain dentist in West Kelowna to the rescue

Thankfully, Dr. Shauna Palmer, can help. Through the implementation of certain dental procedures that put the jaw in a healthy, neutral position, you will experience:

  • Less pain throughout the body
  • Improved posture due to better alignment and less pain
  • Fewer headaches
  • Less fatigue
  • Fewer injuries, like sprains, strains, and fractures (due to balance improvement)
  • Better athletic performance.

Though jaw issues might not seem significant at first, research is continuing to show how closely linked the jaw is with the rest of the body. Therefore, when you get treatment from a West Kelowna TMJ dentist, you can rest assured that you’ll be taking steps to improve your overall health, not just your dental health.

tmj jaw pain symptoms kelowna

Dentist Reviews Kelowna

What patients say about Kelowna TMJ Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer

[These are actual Google Reviews]

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Rob C.

Easily the best experience I have had at a dental clinic. From start to finish, the entire team works their hardest to make the entire process as comforting and informative as possible...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Farah C.

Dr. Palmer is very thorough and detailed. I generally tend to avoid going to the dentists because of not so positive past experiences. However, I have been very impressed ...

Kelowna Dentist Reviews

Jody V.

I have never in my life been so impressed with a dentist's office. I chose this practice when I moved here because it spoke to being holistic, and holistic it is ...

tmj jaw pain treatment kelowna

Improve your posture: How Health & Beauty dentistry can help

west kelowna jaw pain


Isn’t it amazing to know that by tackling the cause of your jaw pain you can address multiple health issues?

This is why it’s so important to have any jaw, head, or facial pain treated as soon as possible. Fortunately, your West Kelowna TMJ dentist can help.

With a series of physiologic/neuromuscular based tests, including sonography, electromyography, jaw tracking, 3-D imaging, a sleep study to see what the airway and jaw are doing at night, and a comprehensive exam, Dr. Shauna Palmer can come up with a definitive diagnosis. Once that has been done, you’ll receive a treatment plan that can include physiologically based orthotic therapy, physiologic based orthodontics, bite adjustments, physiologically based restorations, or a combination of treatments.

With some time, you’ll notice you have less pain and tension throughout your entire body. When everything is in proper alignment, you’ll have better posture, less pain, and more energy, all of which will allow you to live a full, happy, and healthy life.

Do you experience jaw pain? It might be a TMJ disorder. Contact Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty dentistry to find out about possible TMJ jaw pain treatment options.

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tmj jaw pain diagnosis kelowna

Why choose Dr. Shauna Palmer?

Switch to a holistic approach

  • End Holistic Dentistry confusion
  • Don’t continue unhealthy dentistry
  • Avoid putting toxic chemicals into your body
  • Stop treating symptoms only, treat the causes
  • Forget about a one size fits all approach to dentistry

Live healthier, happier and longer

  • Take control over what goes into your mouth and body
  • Strive for the oral health you’ve always wanted
  • Find clarity about healthy, natural, holistic dentistry
  • Enjoy feeling better about yourself
  • Choose a healthier life!
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The Connection Between Jaw Pain, A Misaligned Bite, and Poor Posture


If you do, you’re not alone. Millions of people experience these symptoms because of a condition called TMJ disorder, or TMD for short – temporomandibular disorder.

Today, you’ll learn more about this condition, why it causes pain, and how it can impact your overall health – including your posture.

What Causes Jaw Misalignment and How Does This Lead to Jaw Pain?

Jaw misalignment causes jaw pain because of the strain that’s placed upon the muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments of the head. When all of these tissues are in proper alignment, the jaw functions at full capacity and without pain.

The strain, though, can lead to headaches, migraines, and tooth pain. It can even lead to cracked or broken teeth.

What causes misalignment and TMJ disorder? There are a number of causes, including:

  • Missing teeth
  • Gaps in the teeth
  • Enamel wear
  • Crowded or crooked teeth
  • Anatomical dysfunction of the jaw, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite, due to improper jaw development. Jaw development is altered when there is an airway problem and/or improper tongue function early in life.

It’s important to note that TMJ disorder will eventually lead to problems with your overall health. In addition to all of the dental problems TMD patients face, they can also end up with:

  • Sleep apnea (which can cause many medical problems)
  • Bad digestion
  • Making poor nutritional decisions (because no one wants to eat crunchy carrots when you have jaw pain or sore teeth)
  • Fatigue
  • Instability and poor posture.

How a Misalignment of the Jaw Can Affect Your Overall Health – Even Your Posture

Is the idea that the misalignment of your jaw can lead to poor posture a new one for you? You’re not alone. Many people don’t realize just how impactful TMJ disorder and jaw pain can be on the rest of the body.

It’s amazing just how intricately connected the entire body really is, which is why a dentist West Kelowna, Dr. Shauna Palmer will encourage you to get treatment for TMD. It’s not just about fixing the teeth – it’s about fixing the body. And science backs this up.

Researchers at the University of Barcelona, Spain and the University of Innsbruck, Austria, found a correlation between dental malocclusion and posture in separate 2016 studies.

The data from these studies showed that when one part of the body is out of alignment, others will be as well. So, patients with TMJ disorder are more likely to experience muscle fatigue, loss of balance, and pain throughout their body.

How does a loss of balance fit into this scenario? It’s due to the vestibular nerves related to balance and control, as well as the trigeminal nerve, which is the main nerve involved in mastication.

The muscles of the neck also play a role, and when there is strain and tightness, which is common in TMD patients, these nerves are activated. The result is jaw pain, as well as pain throughout the head, neck, and shoulders, as well as loss of balance and stability.

Thankfully, a dentist in West Kelowna can help. Through the implementation of certain dental procedures that put the jaw in a healthy, neutral position, you will experience:

  • Less pain throughout the body
  • Improved posture due to better alignment and less pain
  • Fewer headaches
  • Less fatigue
  • Fewer injuries, like sprains, strains, and fractures (due to balance improvement)
  • Better athletic performance.

Though jaw issues might not seem significant at first, research is continuing to show how closely linked the jaw is with the rest of the body. Therefore, when you get treatment from a West Kelowna dentist, you can rest assured that you’ll be taking steps to improve your overall health, not just your dental health.

Improve Your Posture by Improving Your Bite – How Health & Beauty Dentistry Can Help

Isn’t it amazing to know that by tackling the cause of your jaw pain you can address multiple health issues?

This is why it’s so important to have any jaw, head, or facial pain treated as soon as possible. Fortunately, your West Kelowna dentist can help.

With a series of neuromuscular/physiologic tests, including sonography, electromyography, jaw tracking, 3-D imaging, and a comprehensive exam, your dentist can come up with a definitive diagnosis. Once that has been done, you’ll receive a treatment plan that can include physiologic orthotic therapy, physiologic orthodontia, bite adjustments, physiologic restorations or a combination of treatments.

With some time, you’ll notice you have less pain and tension throughout your entire body. When everything is in proper alignment, you’ll have better posture, less pain, and more energy, all of which will allow you to live a full, happy, and healthy life.

Do you experience jaw pain, fatigue, and headaches? You could have TMJ disorder! Contact the team at Health & Beauty dentistry to find out about possible treatment options.

blog Kelowna Dentist

Jaw Pain After Root Canal: What can be done to ease the pain


Quite often, people who come into my West Kelowna dentist office experiencing a lot of pain end up needing root canal treatment. They have a cracked or broken tooth or deep decay that has damaged the nerve of the tooth.

To provide the patient with relief, we have to remove the nerve tissue. This procedure can take an hour or more to complete.

While the patient will likely experience relief from tooth pain after treatment, they may find that they have another type of pain: Jaw pain.

What causes jaw pain after root canal treatment?

And what will relieve the pain?

What’s the cause of jaw pain after root canal treatment?

There’s more than one cause of jaw pain after root canal treatment (RCT).

It’s important to remember that there are a lot of factors at play in this type of situation.

For example, a person can have a serious infection – complete with inflammation and swelling – when they’re told they need root canal treatment.

Just because they have the treatment doesn’t mean all of their symptoms are going to automatically disappear.

It’s going to take some time for the swelling and tenderness to go down.

Other factors that could contribute to jaw pain after root canal treatment include the following.

When bottom teeth need dental treatment – including RCT – we have to give the patient an injection called a mandibular block. To adequately numb the tooth, we have to inject the mandibular nerve, which is close to the jaw joint. Tenderness from the injection is common.

The material used to fill the root (once the nerve has been removed) could extend beyond the root tip. If this happens, it can lead to inflammation and pain.
The main cause of pain might’ve been the issue that resulted in an RCT. But there might be other issues at hand as well, like periodontal disease. Gum disease can cause painful inflammation and infection.

Holding your mouth open for such a long period of time can not only cause muscle tension and tenderness – it can cause temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or TMD. Sometimes, one or both jaw discs can slip after an RCT. This can lead to short- and long-term jaw pain.

How to relieve pain immediately – Steps to take at home

There are some things you can do to reduce the discomfort you feel after having the jaw open widely for a long period of time. Try the following and see if your jaw pain starts to ease up.

  • Rinse with warm salt water a couple of times a day to reduce inflammation.
  • If you’re prescribed antibiotics – take them. They’re needed to clear up the infection.
  • Alternate heat and cold compresses. The heat will relax your muscles, while the cold reduces inflammation.
  • Eat soft foods. Avoid gum and anything that could further strain your jaw.

Any pain post-treatment should be evaluated by a your West Kelowna Dentist

If the jaw pain after root canal treatment is excruciating, you don’t find any relief, or it lasts longer than a few days – contact our dentist office or your dentist.

We want to re-evaluate you for infection and see if the root sustained any damage during the procedure.

Additionally, we want to check for TMD.

Patients who experience jaw pain can find relief through the a custom-made dental orthotic, also called a TMJ dental appliance. The discrete, non-invasive appliance which you can eat, drink, and sleep with can protect your jaw from general strain, as well as that from clenching and grinding. If your TMJ’s are out of alignment because of the jaw pain treatment, this dental appliance can help reposition your jaws to a more optimal position.

Pain after a root canal is not something you have to endure in silence. Call our West Kelowna dentist office if you have any pain post-RCT.

Pain is usually a sign something is wrong – Don’t wait to get help

Typically, we go through life blissfully unaware of the goings-on of our body. That is, of course, until something goes wrong.

That’s when our body raises its alarm systems, which usually means we experience some sort of pain. Pain is a form of communication. It’s like our body yelling at us that something is out of whack and needs attention.

It’s no different with our oral health. We should be aware of our teeth or the soft tissues of our mouth. When we do notice sensitivity, discomfort, or pain, it’s usually an indicator of a problem.

If you experience any sort of dental pain, I highly recommend you come into my West Kelowna dentist office. We can look at your symptoms and find the cause of the problem. And whether it’s a minor issue or a more serious one – we can find a treatment that can reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

Have you been experiencing dental pain? If so, please contact my office ASAP. My team and I will evaluate your dental health and work hard to help you find quick relief.