Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer blog

Dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer in Kelowna: A Holistic Approach to Root Canal Treatment

Kelowna dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer: “Root canal treatment is one of the most common dental procedures used to save teeth that are severely infected or damaged. While traditional root canal therapy is widely known for relieving pain and restoring dental health, a holistic approach can make this procedure even more effective and comfortable. Dr. Shauna Palmer, a holistic dentist in Kelowna, offers a unique and patient-centered way to perform root canals by focusing on the entire well-being of her patients—not just their teeth.

In this blog, we’ll explore how our team at Health & Beauty Dentistry in Kelowna applies a holistic approach to root canal therapy which can help you maintain both your oral and overall health.”

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Before diving into the holistic approach, it’s important to understand what a root canal treatment is. This procedure is typically performed when the inner pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, a cracked tooth, or trauma. If left untreated, the infection can lead to severe pain, abscesses, and even tooth loss.

A root canal involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, thoroughly cleaning the inside of the tooth, and then sealing it to prevent further infection. While conventional root canals focus solely on removing the infection and saving the tooth, Dr. Palmer takes a more comprehensive approach by addressing the body’s natural balance and promoting healing through holistic techniques.

The Holistic Difference in Root Canal Treatment

Holistic dentistry, also known as biological dentistry, prioritizes the connection between oral health and the rest of the body. Dr. Shauna Palmer incorporates this philosophy into every aspect of root canal treatment, ensuring that the procedure not only addresses the infection but also supports your overall well-being. Here are some ways Dr. Palmer provides a holistic approach to root canals:

1. Minimizing Toxins

Traditional root canal treatments may use materials and methods that introduce potentially harmful chemicals into the body. As a holistic dentist, Dr. Palmer minimizes the use of toxins during treatment. For example, she opts for biocompatible materials that are safe for your body and less likely to cause an adverse reaction.

Additionally, the cleaning agents used to disinfect the tooth are chosen carefully to ensure they’re effective without causing harm to the surrounding tissues or your overall health. By minimizing toxins, Dr. Palmer helps create a safer environment for healing and long-term dental health.

2. Ozone Therapy

One of the key aspects of Dr. Palmer’s holistic approach to root canals is the use of ozone therapy. Ozone is a powerful, natural agent that can be used to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi without the use of harsh chemicals. Ozone therapy is applied during root canal treatment to thoroughly disinfect the area and promote faster healing.

This technique not only eliminates harmful pathogens but also encourages your body’s natural healing processes, reducing inflammation and enhancing the success of the procedure.

3. Addressing the Whole Body

A holistic root canal goes beyond just treating the tooth. Dr. Palmer believes in looking at the bigger picture—how your overall health, lifestyle, and body systems interact with your dental health. She may assess factors such as your diet, stress levels, and immune function, all of which can play a role in the healing process.

By addressing these factors and providing guidance on nutrition and lifestyle changes, Dr. Palmer ensures that your body is well-equipped to heal after the procedure and that your dental health is maintained in the long run.

4. Patient Comfort and Stress Reduction

A holistic approach also focuses on the emotional and psychological aspects of dental care. Root canal treatments can cause anxiety for many patients, and Dr. Palmer prioritizes creating a calming, supportive environment. She takes the time to explain each step of the procedure, ensuring that you feel informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Holistic techniques such as aromatherapy, gentle sedation options, and relaxation techniques are used to help reduce stress and promote a positive treatment experience.

Why Choose Holistic Root Canal Treatment?

Choosing a holistic root canal treatment offers many benefits beyond just relieving tooth pain. It ensures that the materials and techniques used are in harmony with your body, reduces exposure to toxins, and promotes healing through natural methods. When you visit Dr. Shauna Palmer in Kelowna, you’re not just receiving a standard root canal—you’re receiving comprehensive care that supports your entire well-being.

Don’t Wait—Holistic Root Canal Treatment Can Save Your Tooth and Support Your Health

Kelowna dentist Dr. Shauna Palmer“If you’re experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity and think you may need a root canal, waiting can only worsen the issue. Our holistic approach to root canal treatment in Kelowna offers a safe, effective way to restore your dental health without compromising your overall well-being.

Contact Health & Beauty Dentistry today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a holistic approach can make a difference in your dental care.

Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer

The Benefits of Dental Implants and Dr. Shauna Palmer’s Holistic Approach in (West) Kelowna

Missing teeth can have a significant impact on your life, affecting everything from your ability to eat and speak properly to your self-confidence. Many people who have lost teeth feel self-conscious about their smile, leading them to avoid social situations or hide their teeth when talking or laughing. Beyond the cosmetic issues, missing teeth can also cause serious oral health problems, such as shifting teeth, bone loss, and difficulty maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Fortunately, dental implants offer a long-lasting, effective solution that restores both function and aesthetics to your smile. In Kelowna and West Kelowna, patients are discovering the life-changing benefits of dental implants with the guidance of Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry. Dr. Palmer takes a holistic, patient-centered approach to dental implants, ensuring that her treatments not only restore smiles but also enhance overall well-being.

The Problem with Missing Teeth

When people lose teeth, whether from injury, decay, or gum disease, the effects go beyond the obvious gap in their smile. Missing teeth cause a chain reaction in the mouth and body that can lead to several complications:

  1. Shifting Teeth: When a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth begin to shift to fill the space, leading to misalignment. This can cause bite issues, make cleaning difficult, and increase the risk of further tooth loss.
  2. Difficulty Eating: Missing teeth can make chewing certain foods difficult or uncomfortable, leading people to avoid healthy, nutritious options in favor of softer, less nutritious foods.
  3. Speech Issues: Teeth play a vital role in speech. When teeth are missing, it can affect pronunciation, making it harder to communicate clearly.
  4. Bone Loss: The jawbone relies on stimulation from tooth roots to maintain its density. When a tooth is lost, the bone begins to deteriorate, which can lead to a sunken appearance in the face over time.
  5. Self-Confidence: Perhaps the most immediate impact of missing teeth is the loss of confidence. Many people feel embarrassed about their appearance, avoiding smiling or interacting with others, which can affect personal and professional relationships.

Dental Implants: The Superior Solution

For those struggling with missing teeth, dental implants provide the ultimate solution to regain function, aesthetics, and confidence. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, where they fuse with the bone to create a stable foundation for replacement teeth.

Here are some key benefits of dental implants over other tooth replacement options:

  1. Permanent and Durable: Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care, making them a long-term solution to tooth loss.
  2. Natural Look and Feel: Implants mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth, allowing you to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.
  3. Preserve Jawbone Health: Implants help stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining the structure of your face.
  4. Improved Oral Health: Unlike bridges, which require the alteration of adjacent teeth, implants do not affect surrounding teeth, helping to maintain your overall oral health.
  5. Enhanced Confidence: With dental implants, you can smile freely, knowing your teeth look natural and beautiful. This boost in confidence often leads to greater success in both personal and professional interactions.

A Holistic Approach to Dental Implants in Kelowna

Dr. Shauna Palmer, an implants dentist in Kelowna, provides dental implant treatment with a holistic approach that focuses on the whole person—not just their teeth. With over 30 years of experience and extensive training in physiologic and neuromuscular dentistry, Dr. Palmer goes beyond traditional dentistry by considering how her treatments affect the overall health and well-being of her patients.

Dr. Palmer’s holistic approach means that she looks at more than just the missing tooth. She takes into account how the bite, jaw alignment, and even body posture play a role in achieving optimal results. Her goal is not only to replace missing teeth but to enhance overall function and improve the quality of life for her patients.

In Dr. Palmer’s words, “When I do my job properly, people that were afraid or hesitant to smile will be walking around with a perm-grin. As a proud West Kelowna dentist, I would like to help change people’s lives, not just their appearance. My goal and priority is to help my clients live better, more fulfilled lives. And that starts with taking your smile and making it ‘you,’ and the objective to make it better.”

Why Choose Dr. Shauna Palmer for Dental Implants in West Kelowna?

Dr. Palmer’s extensive credentials include a Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Alberta, as well as advanced training in cosmetic and functional dentistry from LVI Global. Her expertise in dental implants in Kelowna ensures that each patient receives a customized treatment plan that not only restores their smile but also addresses their overall health.

Through her holistic approach, Dr. Palmer carefully balances the teeth, jaw muscles, and joints to create harmony and stability. This holistic method is particularly beneficial for patients who suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders or other issues related to bite misalignment.

Dr. Palmer also prioritizes the use of non-toxic materials in her treatments, such as BPA-free fillings and safe amalgam removal, to ensure that her patients’ health is protected throughout the process.

Take the First Step Toward a Better Smile

If you’re living with missing teeth and struggling with the associated challenges, dental implants in West Kelowna could be the solution you need. Dr. Shauna Palmer’s holistic approach to implant dentistry offers a path to not only a restored smile but improved overall well-being.

To learn more about how dental implants can change your life or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry, contact the office today. Start your journey toward a healthier, more confident smile that reflects the real you.

Make a dental implants appointment today

Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer blog Kelowna Kelowna Dentist

Discover a Different Approach to Dental Treatment: Meet Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in Kelowna

Hello! I’m Dr. Shauna Palmer, dentist in (West) Kelowna, and I’d love to take a moment to share a bit about what makes my approach to dentistry a little different. At Health & Beauty Dentistry, my goal is not just to treat teeth but to treat the whole person. As a Holistic Dentist in Kelowna, I believe in looking beyond the mouth to understand how oral health is connected to your overall well-being.

My Journey to Becoming a Holistic Dentist in Kelowna

When I first started out in dentistry, I practiced in the traditional way, focusing mainly on teeth and gums. But over time, I began to realize that there was so much more to the story. The more I learned, the more I understood that our mouths are connected to the rest of our bodies in profound ways. This led me on a journey to become a holistic dentist here in Kelowna.

Holistic dentistry is about treating the mouth with consideration of the entire body. It’s about recognizing that what we do to our teeth and gums can have far-reaching effects on our health. For instance, did you know that certain materials used in dental work can affect your body’s overall health? Or that problems in your mouth might be linked to issues elsewhere in your body? These are the kinds of connections I focus on at my dental clinic in Kelowna.

What Makes Our Dental Office in Kelowna Unique

At Health & Beauty Dentistry, we offer more than just routine dental care. My team and I strive to create a welcoming, comfortable environment where you feel heard and cared for. We believe that dental care should be a positive experience, and we do everything we can to make that a reality for our patients.

As a holistic dentist in Kelowna, I’m committed to using biocompatible materials that are safe for your body. We also emphasize preventative care, aiming to catch problems early before they become more serious. I’m particularly passionate about educating my patients so that they can make informed decisions about their oral health.

I know that visiting the dentist isn’t something most people look forward to, and I understand that it can be a source of anxiety for many. That’s why my team at our Kelowna dental office takes the time to get to know you, to understand your concerns, and to tailor our care to meet your individual needs. We want to help you feel at ease, knowing that you’re in good hands.

Why Choose a Holistic Approach?

You might be wondering, “Why should I choose a holistic dentist in Kelowna?” The answer is simple: it’s about taking a more comprehensive approach to your health. Traditional dentistry often focuses on treating symptoms, but a holistic approach digs deeper to find the root cause of issues.

For example, if you have chronic gum disease, it could be related to something in your diet, your stress levels, or another health condition. By addressing these underlying factors, we can often improve not just your oral health, but your overall well-being.

At our dental clinic in Kelowna, we also offer a range of services designed to support your total health. From safe mercury removal to nutritional counseling, we’re here to help you achieve a healthier, happier life.

A Personal Touch in Every Treatment

One of the things that I love most about being a dentist in (West) Kelowna is the opportunity to build relationships with my patients. I’ve had the pleasure of working with many wonderful people over the years, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact that a holistic approach can have on their lives.

Whether you’re dealing with a specific dental issue or just looking for a dental office in Kelowna that cares about you as a whole person, I’m here to help. My team and I are committed to providing care that is not only effective but also compassionate and personalized.

Take the Next Step Towards Better Health

If you’re looking for a dentist in Kelowna who will treat you with empathy and respect, I invite you to visit our dental office at Health & Beauty Dentistry. My team and I are here to support you on your journey to better oral and overall health. Don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re always happy to answer your questions and help you feel confident about your dental care.

Remember, your mouth is the gateway to your body, and taking care of it is an essential part of maintaining your overall health. So why wait? Our Motto: Health and Beauty: You Deserve Both!

Make an appointment today!

Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer blog

Looking for a Dental Hygienist in West-Kelowna? Experience the All-Natural Touch with Dr. Shauna Palmer’s Holistic Dental Hygiene

In West-Kelowna and surrounding communities, Dr. Shauna Palmer and her team at Health & Beauty Dentistry are redefining dental care through their holistic approach to dental hygiene. Unlike traditional practices, this dental hygienist in Kelowna offers a service that transcends the ordinary by integrating all aspects of health and wellness into oral care. This unique methodology not only promotes a healthier smile but also encourages a healthier lifestyle.

A Holistic Approach to Dental Hygiene by Dr. Shauna Palmer

The philosophy at Health & Beauty Dentistry is simple yet profound: treat the person, not just the mouth. This principle is what sets their dental hygiene services apart from conventional methods. Traditional dental practices often focus solely on treating oral diseases and maintaining dental health through routine cleanings and procedures. However, Dr. Palmer’s holistic approach encompasses the broader aspects of an individual’s health. Her team focuses on using non-toxic materials, understanding the body’s complex biochemistry, and how oral health directly impacts overall health.

By choosing biocompatible materials and applying less invasive techniques, Dr. Palmer ensures that dental treatments do not adversely affect other parts of the body. This consideration is crucial for patients who are sensitive or have allergies to common dental materials. Additionally, the use of advanced diagnostic tools allows for a more comprehensive understanding of a patient’s oral and overall health, leading to more personalized and effective treatments.

The Difference in Holistic Dental Hygiene Services

What truly differentiates Dr. Shauna Palmer’s dental hygiene services in Kelowna from regular practices is the emphasis on preventive care and patient education. Each session with a dental hygienist at Health & Beauty Dentistry involves educating patients about the importance of nutrition, proper oral hygiene practices, and how lifestyle choices can impact dental and overall health. This educational approach empowers patients to take control of their health, leading to long-term benefits beyond just a beautiful smile.

Moreover, Dr. Palmer’s team uses cutting-edge technology and natural therapies, such as ozone therapy and PerioProtect®, to enhance healing and prevent dental diseases. These natural therapies are chosen for their effectiveness and minimal side effects, aligning with the holistic commitment to do no harm.

Dr. Shauna Palmer’s Focus on Holistic Dentistry

Dr. Palmer’s philosophy is rooted in the belief that true beauty and health are inseparable. She states, “Health and Beauty: You deserve both! When I do my job properly, people that were afraid or hesitant to smile will be walking around with a perm-grin. As a proud West Kelowna dentist, I would like to help changing people’s lives, not just their appearance. My goal and my priority is to help my clients live better, more fulfilled lives. And that starts with taking your smile and making it ‘you’, and the objective to make it better.” This sentiment is at the core of every treatment plan and patient interaction at Health & Beauty Dentistry.

This holistic perspective is particularly evident in how Dr. Palmer approaches each patient as a unique individual with specific needs and concerns. It’s not just about addressing immediate dental issues but also about understanding and integrating their dental care into their overall life goals and health strategies.

Embrace a Healthier, More Natural Dental Care

At Health & Beauty Dentistry in Kelowna, the focus is on providing care that respects the natural balance of your body. Whether you are looking for a dental hygienist in West-Kelowna or Kelowna, Dr. Shauna Palmer’s holistic dental services are designed to ensure that your path to a healthier smile also contributes to your overall well-being.

If you’re ready to experience a new, holistic way to care for your dental health, it’s time to visit Dr. Shauna Palmer. Embrace the benefits of “All Natural” dental services and see how a healthier smile can transform your life.

Contact Dr. Shauna Palmer today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful you with a trusted dental hygienist in Kelowna.

Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer blog

Transform Your Smile and Health: The Holistic Approach of Physiologic Orthodontics by Dr. Shauna Palmer in Kelowna

In the evolving world of dentistry, orthodontics with a physiologic approach is gaining attention for its comprehensive benefits, especially for patients experiencing chronic pain and discomfort not typically associated with dental issues. This innovative method, championed by Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in (West) Kelowna, focuses on correcting imbalances in the craniofacial structure by addressing foundational aspects of oral health. But what makes this approach stand out, and why is it gaining such acclaim?

Understanding the Physiologic Approach

Traditional orthodontics often focuses on aligning teeth without considering the patient’s overall physiological health. In contrast, physiologic orthodontics begins with what’s termed the “big three”: nasal breathing, lip seal, and proper tongue posture. These elements are crucial during jaw growth and development. When any of these factors are compromised, it can lead to disharmonies and imbalances within the craniofacial structure, affecting not just oral health but overall physical well-being.


The Connection Between Oral Health and Physical Symptoms

Patients suffering from headaches, migraines, clenching, grinding, facial and jaw joint pain, as well as back, neck, and cervical pain, may find their conditions are exacerbated or even caused by issues within their craniofacial structure. Symptoms like “locked jaw,” ear pain, hearing loss, eye and sinus pain, restricted mouth opening, and vertigo can also be linked to these imbalances. Traditional treatments may not always address the root cause of these symptoms, leading to a cycle of temporary relief without lasting solutions.

How Physiologic Orthodontics Works

Physiologic orthodontics, as practiced by Dr. Shauna Palmer, involves a technique known as jaw remodelling orthodontics. This method aims to correct the disharmonies that occur when the “big three” are interrupted during growth. Common issues include an underdeveloped upper jaw, a small lower jaw, or jaws that are misaligned, leading to underbites, overbites, crossbites and crowding of teeth.

The approach focuses on developing or remodeling the upper jaw to its proper size, thereby allowing the lower jaw to align into a natural, physiologically comfortable bite position. This not only addresses the cosmetic and functional aspects of orthodontics but also ensures the entire craniofacial structure is balanced and functioning correctly.

The Difference Physiologic Orthodontics Makes

The key difference between traditional and physiologic orthodontics lies in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of the patient. Physiologic orthodontics looks beyond the teeth and considers the entire craniofacial structure and its function. This holistic approach can alleviate a wide range of symptoms by addressing the root cause of the imbalance, rather than merely treating the symptoms or focusing solely on the aesthetic alignment of the teeth.

Why Choose Dr. Shauna Palmer in Kelowna for Orthodontics ?

Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in (West) Kelowna is passionate about implementing this innovative approach to orthodontics. Her expertise in physiologic orthodontics allows her to provide patients with not just a more attractive smile, but a solution to chronic pain and discomfort that may have been plaguing them for years. By focusing on the “big three” and ensuring the proper development of the jaw, Dr. Palmer can offer a path to lasting relief and improved overall health.

Health and Beauty Dentistry, You Deserve Both!

Orthodontics with a physiologic approach offers a groundbreaking solution for individuals suffering from a range of symptoms linked to craniofacial imbalances. This method’s emphasis on the foundational aspects of oral health – the “big three” – allows for a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses dental, cosmetic, and physiological health.

If you’re in Kelowna or surrounding communities and looking for a holistic approach to orthodontics that goes beyond traditional methods, Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry is your go-to dentist. Experience the difference physiologic orthodontics can make in your life, and discover a pathway to enhanced health and beauty, inside and out.

Make an appointment today!

blog Dentist West Kelowna - Dr. Shauna Palmer TMJ

Understanding TMJ Neck Pain: A Comprehensive Guide by TMJ Practitioner Dr. Shauna Palmer in West-Kelowna

In our quest for holistic health, understanding the intricacies of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its impact on our well-being is crucial. The TMJ joint is a pivotal element in our anatomy, acting as the hinge that connects the jaw to the skull. This small joint can be the source of significant discomfort, including TMJ neck pain, which is more than just a physical ailment—it’s a condition that can permeate every facet of life. Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna stands at the forefront of providing effective TMJ treatment, offering hope and relief to those afflicted by this debilitating condition.

What is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex joints in the human body, allowing for a wide range of movement necessary for chewing, talking, and yawning. However, when problems arise—whether from injury, arthritis, misalignment, or stress—the resultant condition, often referred to as TMJ syndrome or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), can lead to a myriad of symptoms, with TMJ neck pain being one of the most common and impactful.

TMJ Symptoms Including Neck Pain

TMJ disorder manifests in various ways, with symptoms that can often seem unrelated to the jaw joint. Neck pain associated with TMJ is a result of the close relationship between the jaw and the muscles and bones in the neck and shoulders. This pain can be a dull, constant ache or a sharp pain when moving the head. Other symptoms include:

· Jaw pain or tenderness
· Difficulty in opening the mouth wide
· Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
· A feeling of tiredness in the face
· Swelling on the side of the face
· Headaches and earaches

These symptoms are not only physically draining but can significantly affect your emotional and psychological well-being.

The Far-Reaching Impact of TMJ Pain

TMJ pain can cast a wide net, affecting various aspects of life in profoundly negative ways. The constant discomfort can lead to difficulties with eating and speaking, significantly impacting nutritional intake and social interactions. The pain can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and a host of related issues such as fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. This can affect performance at work or school, strain relationships, and diminish overall quality of life. The chronic nature of TMJ neck pain can also lead to or exacerbate mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, creating a vicious cycle of pain and emotional distress.

How Dr. Shauna Palmer, West Kelowna TMJ-Practitioner, Can Help

Recognizing the debilitating nature of TMJ disorder, Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna offers a beacon of hope for sufferers. With a comprehensive approach to treatment, Dr. Palmer focuses on not just alleviating symptoms but addressing the root cause of TMJ pain. This holistic perspective ensures that treatment plans are tailored to the individual, incorporating the latest in dental technology and techniques to provide effective relief.

Treatment strategies may include:

· Oral Appliances: Custom-made physiologic appliances can help realign the jaw and relieve pressure on the joint, reducing symptoms such as neck pain.
· Physical Therapy: Exercises and therapies designed to strengthen and relax the jaw muscles can help improve function and reduce pain.
· Stress Management: Since stress can exacerbate TMJ symptoms, techniques to manage stress are often incorporated into treatment plans.
· Dental Corrections: Misalignment of teeth or an improper bite can contribute to TMJ pain. Dr. Palmer may recommend orthodontic treatments or adjustments to dental restorations to address these issues.

By taking a patient-centered approach, Dr. Palmer ensures that each treatment plan is as unique as the individual, addressing not only the physical symptoms of TMJ disorder but also the emotional and psychological aspects. This comprehensive care model aims to restore not just function and comfort but also to improve overall quality of life.

Embrace a Life Free from TMJ Pain

TMJ neck pain is more than an isolated physical symptom; it’s a complex condition that can affect every aspect of life. However, with the right approach to TMJ treatment in West-Kelowna, it’s possible to alleviate this pain and reclaim your well-being. Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in West-Kelowna is dedicated to providing effective, compassionate care for those suffering from TMJ disorder. By addressing the root causes and implementing a holistic treatment strategy, Dr. Palmer helps patients navigate their way to a life free from the constraints of TMJ pain.

If you’re struggling with TMJ symptoms, including neck pain, it’s crucial to seek professional help. With effective care and TMJ treatment in West-Kelowna, you can overcome the challenges of TMJ disorder and enjoy a healthier, more comfortable life.

Book an appointment today