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The Truth About Periodontal Disease and Bleeding Gums


Bleeding gums can be alarming, especially if you’re not sure what to do about it. Fortunately, periodontal disease isn’t something that should keep you up at night (pun intended). But before we go into treatment options, it’s important to understand what periodontal disease is, and what might be causing your bleeding gums.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. It’s typically caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your teeth. If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden and turn into tartar. Tartar can irritate your gums, causing them to swell and bleed. Once tartar has become too difficult to remove with regular brushing, you will need professional cleaning from your dentist or dental hygienist.

A key sign of periodontal disease is bleeding gums—or even loose teeth. According to nationwide research, 80% of adults over 30 have some form of periodontal disease in their mouths. If you are experiencing symptoms like bleeding gums or loose teeth, seek treatment as soon as possible.

Located in West-Kelowna, Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry provides treatment for periodontal (gum) disease with a holistic approach. Our motto, “treat it before it’s too late”.  Make an appointment today.

How Do I Know If I Have Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Periodontal disease is typically caused by poor oral hygiene. Symptoms include red, swollen, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. Treatment options include scaling and root planing (a deep cleaning), antibacterial agents, and sometimes surgery.

You can help prevent periodontal disease by brushing, flossing or using a water floss system regularly and visiting your dentist for regular cleanings. You may also want to ask Dr. Palmer and her team about the Perio Protect® system, which is a non surgical, at home treatment system or the laser therapy. (see below).  Dr Palmer’s office also carries the Young Living® Thieves line of toothpaste and mouth wash which use essential oils rather than harsh chemicals.

What Are the Symptoms of Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

The following are warning signs of periodontal disease:

  • Bad breath or bad taste that won’t go away.
  • Red or swollen gums.
  • Tender or bleeding gums.
  • Painful chewing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Sensitive teeth.
  • Gums that have pulled away from your teeth.
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite.

What Treatment Options are Available for Someone With Gum Disease?

If you have gum disease, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of all adults in Canada have some form of periodontal disease. The good news is that there are treatment options available. Here are a few to consider:

1. Regular dental cleanings – This is one of the most effective ways to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. Scaling and root planing – This is a deeper cleaning than a regular cleaning, and it’s often recommended for those with more advanced periodontal disease.

2. Perio Protect® system or laser therapy. (see below)

3. Gum tissue graft surgery – A piece of skin is cut at the roof of your mouth (palate) to replace affected gum tissue.

Why Choose A Holistic Dentist for Periodontal Disease Treatment?

Your mouth’s ability to heal from periodontal gum disease depends on the advancement of the disease and the extent of damage done. The good news is that there are treatments available to help your gums recover from even advanced stages of periodontal gum disease.

At Health & Beauty Dentistry, Dr. Shauna Palmer uses Perio Protect® trays that resemble mouth guards. These trays rest over your diseased gums and a patented hydrogen peroxide gel is placed in the trays for a few minutes daily to help kill the harmful bacteria in the pockets and help heal your smile non-invasively.

Additionally, Dr. Shauna Palmer uses specialized laser therapy to help focus-in and kill bacteria in your gums with minimal invasion so that your gums and teeth can begin the recovery process. Laser therapy continues to become a revolutionary treatment approach in the oral health industry.

The more intense and severe the periodontitis, typically the longer the healing process and the more rigorous dental treatment you will need. At Health & Beauty Dentistry, Dr. Palmer strives to take the least invasive and most gentle approach possible.

While periodontitis can be extremely upsetting, scary and painful to experience, you can rest assured that the treatment Dr. Shauna Palmer provides, will help support you through the recovery process, whether you are in an early or advanced stage of gum disease. Dentist, Dr. Shauna Palmer, and her hygienist in Kelowna are able to identify any early signs of gum disease and provide treatment accordingly. Treating periodontal disease is important not only to help prevent you from losing your teeth but also improves your overall health as there is a well-studied mouth and body connection.

When you experience any of the symptoms above, please contact us to book a gum disease appointment.

best dentist in kelowna best dentist in west kelowna best kelowna dentist near me best west kelowna dentist near me blog Holistic Approach to Dentistry Oral Health

3 Important Reasons Why You Should Get an Oral Cancer Screening at the Dentist


Oral cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer, and every year thousands of people die from this cancer without ever knowing they had it. To combat this, all Canadian Dental Associations recommend that you get an oral cancer screening in Kelowna at least once every year, particularly if you are age 50 or older, or have a history of heavy smoking or alcohol consumption. Screenings typically include visual inspection of your mouth and tongue by your dentist, which can lead to early detection and removal of pre-cancerous lesions before they turn into cancerous tumours.

Oral cancer, though relatively rare, can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. The good news is that oral cancer has one of the highest cure rates of any type of cancer – provided it’s caught early enough! Your dentist can screen you for oral cancer  during your next checkup, so take time to learn about the three most important reasons why getting an oral cancer screening at the dentist is essential to your health and wellness.

#1. PREVENTION (Can oral cancer screening prevent oral cancer?)

Many people fail to get oral cancer screenings in West Kelowna, but they’re an easy way to catch possible problems before they become a major problem. Kelowna Oral cancer screening isn’t meant to replace your normal oral care routine (it just complements it). Your dentist can spot trouble spots that you may have missed during a routine dental checkup and may suggest ways for you to make changes to your routine, such as brushing your teeth more often or adding flossing. However, there is one surefire way of spotting all potential issues—getting a professional oral cancer screening in West Kelowna from a dental professional.

Oral cancer can also be a symptom of another medical condition, such as diabetes. Because these diseases are treatable, if oral cancer is caught early enough, it’s easier to treat and eradicate. Your dental hygienist or dentist in Kelowna may suggest an oral cancer screening if you’re over 50 years old and haven’t had one in two years. However, no matter your age or whether you had a previous oral cancer screening in Kelowna, keeping up with your regular cleanings every six months is a good idea. Getting teeth cleanings twice per year greatly reduces your risk of developing gum disease and other ailments that may result in periodontal disease.

#2. EARLY DETECTION (Does early detection make a difference for survival rate?)

Early detection is critical to survival rates and preventing oral cancer. In fact, 90% of oral cancers are diagnosed in late stages when they have already begun to spread to other areas of your body. A great way to help prevent early detection is by getting a regular dental exam every six months. Early detection is one of three important reasons why you should get an oral cancer screening at your West Kelowna dentist’s office.

Another important reason is CONFIDENCE (How do I feel about my smile?). Getting an oral cancer screening can also boost your confidence because it allows you to know for sure that there are no oral health issues that could affect your smile or overall health. If there were any problems, you would be able to address them before they got worse. Many people who have gotten their oral cancer screenings say that knowing for sure that everything is okay makes them feel more confident about their smiles and themselves as a whole.

#3. IMPROVED TREATMENT (Can oral cancer be treated effectively?)

An oral cancer screening in West Kelowna is one of several tests you may need if your dentist suspects you have oral cancer. Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, can develop in your lips, tongue, cheeks and throat. While it’s less common than other types of cancers, it’s also one of the most deadly cancers since symptoms don’t usually appear until it’s in its late stages. But with early detection and a biopsy, chances are good that it can be cured. If not caught early enough and completely removed by surgery or chemotherapy (oral cancer treatment), your risk for recurring disease or death increases dramatically.

Kelowna Oral cancer screenings help dentists detect oral cancer before it spreads to other parts of your body. It’s important to get regular oral cancer screenings because there are often no symptoms to indicate you have oral cancer until it has reached an advanced stage, which makes treating it more difficult. Oral cancer screenings aren’t just for those who use tobacco products; anyone who wants to lower their risk should schedule an appointment with their dentist to learn more about how they can protect themselves from developing oral cancer.

Dr. Shauna Palmer at Health & Beauty Dentistry in Kelowna BC can provide oral cancer screenings regularly. Schedule yours ASAP.